Monday, November 21, 2016

It is November 21,2016

My apologies for the delay in writing.   Due to the fracture in the spine it is difficult to sit for more than a few minutes.

Plus on top of all that, I visited a dear friend in the hospital about ten days ago and picked up a terrible virus which caused me to be hospitalized overnight in Emergency.

Due to no liquid, food or sleep for more than two days, my heart had a problem and the defibrillator went off which feels like a horse kicked me in the chest.

What I was holding flew right out of my hand and made a mess on my bed and blankets.

My son came and brought me to the hospital and stayed with me.  After the doctor's decided that it would be necessary for me to stay in overnight, I sent him home and he came here and washed all the bedding and blankets.  I cannot say how much I appreciate that! I am so thankful I have a washing machine in my apartment.

Since I am still ill, he has brought food to me from the grocery store.

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful son.

Thanks for dropping by.

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